SaaS Trial Sign Up Strategy

How I Got 3,884 New SaaS Trials with a Super Targeted Article

Do you ever feel like you’re wasting your time writing blog articles? At some point in time, someone convinced you that writing article after article was a solid SEO plan. But I assure you it’s not. A truly valuable piece of content, like a blog post, must have a sole purpose, and it must target your very unique audience with laser-focus precision to be effective. That philosophy helped me get 3,884 new SaaS trial signups from a simple, 2-hour blog post.

A little background…

I’m an SEO consultant, and I’ve reviewed countless “blog strategies” for small businesses and SaaS startups. Here’s what I’ve noticed. Most blogs I review don’t convert any traffic into customers. Instead, I usually see pointless article after pointless article, and no conversions, no sign ups, no leads, and no subscribers. Why spend all that time and money if your blog posts aren’t driving conversions?

Writing articles is not an SEO strategy.


In fact, you’re actually being counterproductive by confusing search engines with meaningless articles that have high bounce rates and little engagement.

Here’s a blog post I wrote that generated 3,884 new trial sign ups.

I have many other blog posts like this, but this one is kind of special. It was my first super targeted blog article that changed the way I created content forever.

SaaS Trial Strategy
SaaS trial sign ups

How I did this:

As you may know, I founded MySiteAuditor, a white-label website auditing tool that SEO agencies use to generate leads and sales. Early on, I decided to do what most people do in the SEO industry to get traffic. I wrote lots of blog articles about SEO tips and advice. I did that for a few months and guess what? Nada. I was just like everyone else, putting out lots general SEO content for anyone and everyone like students, teachers, website owners, bloggers, developers…. and oh ya, SEO agencies too!

This wasn’t working. I was casting a really wide net, hoping to catch a few agencies.

New strategy time.

I decided to get laser-focused with the content I created and specifically target SEO agencies, consultants and freelancers. I needed to speak directly to them, and blog specifically about solutions that would help them out.

With this new strategy in mind, one of the first things I did was create a guest blog post on Business 2 Community, a free guest posting website where anyone can post an article. After doing a little keyword research I decided on my first super targeted blog post title:

  • Top Free Website Audit Tools (Too general)
  • Top Website Audit Tools (Way too general)
  • 5 Free Website Audit Tools (nah…too general)
  • Top 5 Free Website Audit Tools For Agencies (PERFECT!)

Keep in mind, my software is a website audit tool specifically for agencies, not website owners.

It’s always weird posting  a “Top X” post with your own product listed as number one, so I asked an industry friend if I could publish it under his account. Anyway, here’s the article I wrote.

top SEO website audit tools for seo agencies and consultants

Position #1 in Google!

Within a month or so my article was in the first position for the super targeted, long-tail keyword, “free website audit tools for agencies”.  It was much less traffic than targeting “website audit tool” but it converted way more traffic into trials and paying members, and it reached position #1 on Google way faster because there’s way less competition when you get super targeted.

Anyone who found and read this article had to be an SEO agency. Who else would search for “website audit tools for agencies”? Only SEO agencies, freelancers and consultants.

For the next 24 months, I got about 200 new trials every single month from this article, totaling about 3,884 trials the last time I checked.

how to get saas trial sign ups
Position 1 of Google

Articles like this helped MySiteAuditor become one of the most popular SEO software companies in 20 languages around the world. In fact, the success of my SaaS led to a full acquisition by SureSwift Capital in 2016.

How to get SaaS Trial Sign ups With Super Targeted Blog Articles

  1. Do Keyword Research
    Look for long-tail super targeted keywords that only your exact target market would search for.
  2. Optimize Your Title
    Title your post with your super targeted keyword.
  3. Adjust Your Speech
    Speak directly to your target audience. Don’t just cast a wide net by speaking to everyone.
  4. Track
    Setup ways to measure and capitalize on your success like Google goals.


Stop going after keywords with large search volumes. Instead, get super targeted and laser-focused when doing keyword research. Aim for 4-5 words or more in your keyword and make sure that anyone who would be interested in reading your content fits that exact target market.

Good luck.